I'll be turning off Caps-Lock for this part of the site. I tried to write it in all caps and it hurt my eyes like hell to backread it! What's the point of writing a diary if I can't even read it properly, right? So I decided I'll be writing this portion of the site in proper capitalization. Kind of bums me out to not portray my beautiful accent into text, but you have to sacrifice things sometimes, I guess!
This is a still ongoing project of mine to try and port all of my personal diary to web format. Considering the work environment, I thought it'd be best not to rely on paper for my personal documents. That thing could catch fire any day!
I'm still working on porting everything, but I've put some of my favorites here already. They're not in proper order yet, though. I'll do that once I'm done with fully porting them.
Anyway, feel free to read any of these entries in any order you want! I wrote them for myself, so it doesn't really bother me how you read them! They could be fanfiction to you for all I care. And no, none of these have dates written on them. I don't really know what day it is, like, ever. Time is fucked up over here, okay?!